Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Things I've Learned in my Marriage

1. Marriage is a work in progress.

2. There are many things that I have to "give in" to, because HE is not perfect, but hey neither am I.

3. When your husband says "I Love You" you should appreciate that, many men dont tell their wives that often enough or ever for that fact---they think it is just understood.

4. Most men will help in the house, but have to be TOLD what to do - it dont come natural!

5. Most men dont get romance, so quit living that fairytale!

6. "alone" time comes few and far between, especially after 4 kids!

7. You must realize how lucky you are when your husband calls you during the day just to see how your day is going---- most men dont!

8. Nothing smells better than my husband!

9. Seeing my husband love my children makes my heart happy!

10. Knowing that when I am truly hurt or upset, so is he, because he loves me!

11. I love kisses --- you truly cant get enough of them!

12. All my friends husbands are different, making me realize why God made my husband for me and theirs for them---perfect matches!

13. Dont expect him to change his ways to your ways -- there is a happy medium!

14. It is important for the two of you to go to bed at the same time -- this may be the only time you have to talk to each other that day!

15. The greatest thing I have learned is that GOD must be first in your marriage! If God is not there, you have NOTHING!!!! A Godly man is a Good Man!


  1. Happy anniversary! Soooo didn't realize that it was.

    BTW, I'm taking notes on this stuff! Y'all truly are a godly couple with a godly marriage. It's so obvious that God put y'all together. I hope that Suzy and I can learn from the examples that God has given us on how to put Him first.
