Yesterday, I attended a "memorial/birthday party" for a sweet baby boy named Jonah Myles McInnis. Jonah's mommy works for me, but her other son has been attending my daycare for 2 years! Jonah Myles only lived 10 minutes in his mommies arms before going to live with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!!!
This was one of the most humbling things I have done in a long time. My heart crushed as I watched his mommy diligently cleaning off his grave marker and commenting "I cant keep this thing clean" OMG really? We all held balloons as his mom and dad tried their best to thank us for celebrating this day with them!! We all released the balloons as we told the little ones that were there, "let them go to Heaven"
Please know that Jennifer and Jamie have 2 precious boys already: Hayden (2) and Cameron (8). And know that they are truly blessed already!!
Now, I did realize a few things as I stood in the massive heat at 3:00 yesterday:
1. I am blessed beyond measure with 4 beautiful and healthy children!
2. Its ok for my kids to leave their clothes on the floor every now and then!
3. The world wont end if they are not in the bed by 8 pm!
4. No one will care if their "play clothes" dont match!
5. who cares if they wear their flip flops to church?
6. That late night snack is perfectly fine!
7. who said they had to be perfect?
8. Whinning may drive me crazy, but considering where I was yesterday, I am glad to hear it
9. Every kiss I get and give them are precious
10. If I never get another gift, compliment or reward the rest of my life -- I already have 4 from GOD!!!
My prayer for ALL OF US - is to slow down - hold your babies- remember they are precious angels sent to you from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ - love them unconditionally - pray for them daily- tell them " I LOVE YOU" as many times a day as you can - hold them close - be patient - quit fussing so much - and kiss them over and over again!!
Very well put. I have to be reminded from time to time how blessed beyond MEASURE I am.