Many of you dont know MS ELAINE, but she is this REMARKABLE, WONDERFUL, AMAZING yet CRAZY,NUTTY,OUT OF HER MIND lady that works for me. She tells my children soooooooooooooo much stuff most of which is made up for instance:
1. "One time I drank Hot Sauce out of the bottle and then farted hot air all day"
2. "I once had a boyfriend who was totally covered in hair like a big ape and no one would date him so I felt sorry for him and started dating him, he then got his hair removed and dumped me because I didnt look good enough"
3. "The Big Bad Wolf lives in the shed behind the daycare"
4. "Go ahead Chase -- lick the cricket" and he did!
5. "Me and my friend used to go around Natchez and put soap in the fountains making them suds up" -- this one is true!
6. "It dont matter if you drop your food on your floor- go ahead and eat it anyway"
7. "When I was younger I got mad at my sister and put frogs all in her bed"
8. One time she left to run a quick errand, 4 hours later she (and Chase) returned and had been fishing!
9. She has taken Chase to the railroad to squish pennies, until our law enforcement friends warned her against it!
We ADORE Ms. Elaine...and come to think of it...pretty much every single other person at Sunshine! The name of the center is very fitting because it's definitely Sunshine in our life!