These are some common yet really weird Superstitions!!!!!
1. The unlucky number 13 - OK, buildings dont have a 13th floor because it is bad luck? But what about when you turn 13? 13th anniversary? I mean are these bad?
2. An acorn at the window will keep lightning out - REALLY??? all this will get you is a roasted acorn!!!!
3. Spit on a new bat before using it for the first time to make it lucky. - yea go ahead look like a crazy person! if you spitting on your bat brings you luck, then why dont we go around spitting on everything?
4. A cat onboard a ship is considered to bring luck. - how? cats are no different on a boat than on land now are they?? stupid!!!!
5. If you stick your hands in your pocket while walking past a graveyard, it will protect your parents. -- so if you dont have pockets your parents are screwed?
6. Never take a broom along when you move. - so is it a witches broom or something with some secret powers? now this is just plain nuts!
7. If a candle blows out, evil spirits are nearby. - yea the evil spirit of the air kicking on or the ceiling fan being on!
8. It is bad luck to light three cigarettes with the same match. - yea, b/c you dont have time the match will burn your finger!!
9. Evil spirits can’t harm you when you stand inside a circle. -- WHAT???????????
10. It’s bad luck to pick up a coin if it’s tails side up. Good luck comes if it’s heads up. -- hey if you have found the coin you already have good luck PICK THAT DUDE UP!!!
11. A cricket in the house brings good luck. - I know this isnt true -- Chase has pet crickets and all they do is stink and make noise!
12. If the palm of your right hand itches, it means you will soon be getting money.
If the palm of your left hand itches, it means you will soon be paying out money. -- how crazy is that!!! you always get and pay money out no matter if your hand itches or not -- CRAZY!
13. a knife as a gift from a lover means that the love will soon end. - by Scott!!! its been nice being married to ya! NOW THIS IS RIDICULOUS!
14. A knife placed under the bed during childbirth will ease the pain of labor. - unless it was a gift then this love is ending right???? ahaha STUPID too!!!
15. Salty soup is a sign that the cook is in love. -- oh well I am never in love because I hate salt!
16.Three seagulls flying together, directly overhead, are a warning of death soon to come. What death by bird poop????? thats all your gonna get from these birds!!
17. Place a hand in front of your mouth when sneezing so that your soul cannot escape.
seriously? Honey I hope when my soul escapes we are sitting at Gods feet!!!!! forget the sneeze!! anyway does your soul live in snot????
18. And lets not forget the black cat? really? bad luck? unless one shows up at your house then its good luck? well I am sure he crossed your path before he got to your door -- so NOW good luck or bad luck??? STUPID thats what I say!!!
VERY SUPERSTICIOUS..... (I will be singing that song all day now)