Needless to say I was in LOVE with Jon Bon Jovi! I was really really really gonna marry him---- these are just 4 of the probably 50+ that adorned my walls and made my bedroom such a BEAUTIFUL place!
Hey does anyone think Scott would mind if I hung these up in our bedroom?? ha ha

did I ever tell you that one time while driving down Brookway BLVD my Prince cassette was in the player. My dad turned it on and "Darling Nicki" was playing -- NEEDLESS to say ---- he literally THREW it out the window in the middle of the road!
Man I cried --- I was soooooooo mad!

NOW that I look back -- they really look a little sissy-- but honey waaaaaaaay back then they were the cutest things!
WHITESNAKE---- great music and GREAT HAIR!! do we think BIG hair will ever come back in?????

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