Monday, April 19, 2010

GOD----- Much better "Parent" than I am!!!

ok--- as I began thinking over the weekend. You know there is not a manual on how to be a parent, there is not a manual on how to be a child. I realized that as a parent I DO expect a lot out of my children, and sometimes I expect the impossible. Below are a few things I have told my children to do without any explanation on HOW TO, just assuming that because I know HOW TO, so should they. And sometimes I even get upset when they do it wrong, even though I FAILED to TELL THEM how to do it!
Told Haylee -"You need to wear deodorant" - i bought it, gave it to her, then got upset when she didnt put it on just right!
Told all of them - "GO brush your teeth and your tongue and if you dont do it good enough your gonna redo it" really--- did I show them what good enough was?
Told all of them - "go make your beds" -- without me showing them how?
Told Blaine to - "go clean your room" ok easy enough, but didnt tell him really how to do it, so of course it wasnt right then I was upset - how crazy is that?
Told Shanna to - "Just use the straight iron and fix your hair" thinking she should have watched me enough she should know how, but it doesnt work that way!
Told Chase to -"Go get some clothes and put them on" ok really - everyone can get dressed by themselves, but of course i expected him to match - did I ever explain that to him?

These are just a VERY few of the unexplainable demands I have placed on my children --- minor to me -- MAJOR to a child. Never thinking that as a parent I was not upholding my end of the job - explaining life to them! Kids will do anything for you and want to please you at all costs, but they HAVE to know what you EXPECT!

Arent we glad God gave us his little book of instructions so we know how to live the life HE wants us to live? Arent we glad he didnt put unexplainable demands on us and then we fall short of his glory? We have the "rules to follow", but it is up to us to make sure we follow them! (arent we glad God dont get mad at us when we fail? Cause I am pretty sure he would be mad at me ALOT!)

I WOULD LOVE your thoughts and comments !!

1 comment:

  1. very insightful my friend! I too am SERIOUSLY guilty of telling my kiddos to "go do" without showing them how to do what ever it is. it is frustrating and just easier to do it myself if I have to take the time to show them how to.....but I know that in the long run they wil be better able to manage their lives if I TEACH them how to.....
    Glad to know that " the greatest mom ever" has the same trouble!
