Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Tuesday Talk

Some Pet Peeves:

1. when people poor mouth about their paychecks, but will not work any extra hours????

2. toilet paper on the holder unrolling from the underneath -- it unrolls from the top!

3. spit in the sink-- I mean really -- the water is already running - rinse it out

4. Slurping the milk out of the cereal bowl -- truly makes me nauseous

5. Ketchup on eggs --- VOMIT

6. men who lean over,blow snot out of their noses onto the ground?

7. kids in the store with no shoes on

8. kids in store with diapers on without pants

9. people who lives are NEVER good enough

10. people who complain about the day of the week -- be glad you were given another day!

11. smell of dog pee in someones house

12. smacking -- close your mouth when you eat

13. blowing your nose at the dinner table

14. knee hi socks on men

15. people who visit and leave their "spit cups" sitting around your house!

I could go on I am sure -- but I'll save some for another day! HA HA


  1. Ha. I would have to agree with AAAALLLLLLL of these. So true. However, not sure I've ever seen #6 done, and I certainly hope I don't ever have to witness that.....

  2. The toilet paper thing REALLY aggravates me! But when I have babies, I'm so totally putting them in diapers alone and toting them off to church. Hehe.
    Ketchup on eggs- gross!

  3. I drink, not slurp, the milk out of the cereal bowl, especially after eating Cocoa Pebbles. I wear knee hi socks, BUT NOT WITH SHORTS, only under slacks, and I still like ketchup on eggs!!!
