Wednesday, August 18, 2010


This is the sight of officials pulling a car out of a South Carolina river.  You might think oh poor people what in the world happened?

Well a MOTHER of at least 2 beautiful little babies - decided they were just too much for her and decided that it was HER right to kill them and strap them in their car seats and drive her car into the river and watch them go under!

What could possible be going on in her mind?  How in the world could a MOTHER do this to her children?

Now as it is not my place to judge this lady -- it is between her and God -- I sure have some wretched thoughts going on in my head!  And I will go ahead and apologize for that!  But this to me is UNFATHOMABLE! 

Do people not realize that there are ways to "get rid" of your kids without killing them?  I mean there are people and/or organizations that will care for them!  There are people out their dying to have kids themselves.  There are thousands of people on waiting list to adopt children.  It don't matter if you are black, white, Hispanic, Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese or any other nationality -- SOMEONE will love your kids when you don't!

These babies were created by God for a specific reason - and we will never know that reason - we will never know if one of these babies could have grown up to be the ONE person who comes up with the CURE for cancer!  I know that sounds crazy --- but I KNOW that our GOD had a plan for them and it surely wasn't to be killed and driven into a river!

I will pray for this lady--as hard as that may sound.  I will.  I feel for the day she "wakes up" and realizes that they are not there to call her mommy or to give her a kiss and a hug!  That will be a day straight from the pits of Hell!

Please take a minute and HUG your babies (young or old- they are still your babies)!!!


  1. Oh my gosh! This is horrible! I think about this stuff all the time...when I see people being particularly horrible to their kids or people doing terrible things and even the unfathomable to their kids and it BREAKS MY HEART! I can only try to wrap my head around the idea that someone willing to go to these lengths is a very, very sick person. Something in their brain is off and in need of something to help them not of this world. We can all rest knowing those children are in the hands of Jesus though and in that place,the love they'll receive is second to NONE!

  2. It was said on the news that she was having some financial issues, so she was thinking she could make it look like an accident and get an insurance settlement. To me that is the worst thing EVER. There is no amount of money that could ever make me even THINK about something so evil.
