Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Dont you just hate it when..............

1.  You walk through the house at night and step on a toy!  OUCHEE WOWWA!!!!
2.  People say "huh" then answer you anyway because they heard what you said to begin with?
3.  blow their nose at the dinner table -- especially when you are at a restaurant.
4.  you wake up with a headache?
5.  everything you do all day goes wrong?
6.  you lose your keys and are in a hurry
7.  when you get somewhere and reach for your phone only to realize you left it at home
8.  when you have stood in line at Walmart for 30 minutes and been rang up then realize your debit card is in your blue jean pocket at the house?
9.  you finally have a babysitter and you and your hubby are going out for the first time in like a zillion years and about an hour before leaving one of your children starts throwing up or running a fever?
10. you go to the fridge and find out someone drank the last diet coke?
11. you pull up at a drive thru and they say I am sorry ma'am we are out of ice or our drink machine is out of order?
12. you type a really long letter or email and hit the wrong button and lose it all?
13. you forget to get a gift and realize you need it in like 30 minutes?
14. your kids get up on Saturday morning at like 6 am, but you cant pry them out of the bed on Monday mornings?
15. you get to church and realize your fingernail or toenail polish looks like pooooooop and you know EVERYONE is looking (probably not, but you sure feel that way).

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