I used to love that show --- the theme song came to my mind this morning --after a bad morning :) ---
"you take the good, you take the bad, you take them both and there you have the facts of life"
How true is this???? for all the good my kids do -- the bad sometimes gets to me the most -- for instance--
Chase this morning --- first of all his socks and shoes have to be perfect or he goes into a rage so to speak -- so this morning his shoes he likes were left at daycare so he put on some others -- the tongue wouldn't come out far enough so he lost it --- sooooo did MOM I grabbed them shoes off of his feet, threw them across the room, grabbed some Merrill's, rammed his foot in them, threw his jacket on him, threw his backpack on and pushed him out the front door -- right on to the bus -- crying!! I then text his precious teacher to warn her that "Chase is in a crappy mood" ( I don't think I used the word crappy- it was probably worse than that" and wish her the best!
Blaine last night -- whining, fussing and complaining "I don't want to eat at Lonestar, why cant we go to McDonald's" -- me--"there are children in Pearl who have never even been out to eat and you are complaining. You are soo ungrateful"
Haylee this morning -- "Mom, I don't have any school shorts in my drawer" me- "put on a skirt" (skort actually) Haylee - I don't want to wear a skirt" me - "then go naked - I don't care"
Shanna this morning --- me- "Shanna get up, lets go" (100 times) Shanna (finally) throws her covers back, growls, hits the bed, stomps her feet and sarcastically yells "I'm tired, I don't want to get up" Me - "tough, get used to it, tonight you can go to bed at 6, then I bet you will get up tomorrow"
See for those of you who think "You always have everything together" I normally do -- but rest assured these days happen and boy oh boy when they do -- it ain't good!! hahahahahahaha
But so you all know -- Chase is just fine at school (I just checked) Blaine happily ate at Lonestar Haylee found her Capri's in the closet and didn't go naked and Shanna did fine after getting up and I am not putting her to bed at 6! I think I scared them all when I threw the shoes :) Gotta love it!!!!!
:) I love that show too. We, too, have some awful mornings. But since the morning that I refused to do anything for Audrey and left everything up to Eric (Yep, I wrote about it), I haven't had one problem in the mornings. Ahhhhhh