Tuesday, July 26, 2011

God never ceases to amaze me

This past week I spent my time after working at a daycare center and raising my four kids teaching 5th grade VBS.  Why?  Why would I spend my extra time with kids (5 I didn't know, and 1 of my own)?  Couldn't I find something else and/or somewhere else to spend my time? Couldn't I just sit at home and rest?

The answer is simple -- ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!

Like many other churches we did "Big Apple Adventure".  Now this theme was not one of my favorites from Lifeway, but as I tell my kids "you get what you get and you don't pitch a fit"  so that's what I did.  The up side to this is that we all decorated our rooms as Broadway musicals -- and if  you know me you know what musical I did -- GREASE baby!!!

Now our week was sooo much fun.  I truly enjoyed getting to know these kids and boy are they great kids!!!!  We had great bible stories and missions classes as well as rec, music, crafts and of course snacks!
Everyone did a great job this week and that too helped tremendously.  Not to mention my best two side kicks -- Leigh Bradshaw and my sweet hubby Scott.

But I was EXHAUSTED but here are some of the reasons I DO WHAT I DO:
    ** my own child - CHASE MATTHEW (age 7) accepted Jesus Christ as his personal saviour and followed his decision with believers Baptism Sunday night -- Chase was the last of my children to accept Jesus Christ and there are no words for that feeling---- AMAZING to say the least!!!!
    **We had 6 kids in our class - 4 saved and 2 unsaved -- these 2 were saved by the end of the week :)
    ** One of the children saved this week was there as a visitor, both of her parents are ATHEISTS!!!
    **  on  Sunday night our pastor baptized 8 children - there were a few more that accepted Christ during this week, but are being baptized at their own churches!

WHO ELSE but God could bring this kind of results??? 

   **  listening to my children continue to sing all the VBS songs (heck they are still singing the songs from 3 years ago) day in and day out
   **  my children asking me each day "Do we get to go back to VBS today?"
   **  watching my children run around and make new friends"
   **  seeing my kids dance and sing to all the songs
   **  seeing the gleem in my kids eyes each and every day we walk into church for VBS
   **  watching my kids on stage the last night showing everything they have learned through the week
   **  watching my kids build "skyscrapers" out of marshmallows and graham crackers
   **  the constant hugs from all the little ones that I got to know
   **  the adult friendships that were made
this list truly goes on and on!!!

But I have said all this to say -- THANK YOU GOD --- for loving me, for giving me the gift of love for children, for giving me the desire to see children grow in every area of their lives and the ability to love all children!!!!!   THANK YOU GOD -- for saving all of these children this week -- (especially my Chase man)

Please stop and take a minute to ask yourselves - Do you know Jesus Christ as your personal saviour?  Do you love Jesus Christ unconditionally like he love you?  When is the last time you thank God for another day?

If you have any doubts, I would love to talk to you or find someone you can talk to !!!

I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!


1 comment:

  1. Glad y'all had such a great time! So proud of Chase! We miss you so much!
