Friday, July 29, 2011

Weekend Fun!!!!!!!!!!!

I normally don't say this - but I am sooo glad it is Friday -- usually I can just take each day and roll with it, but this has been a crazy week for me -- soooo what will the Copeland's be up to this weekend????

Well tonight is mamaws monthly "grandchildren sleepover".  Yep that's right every month she invites all 9 of her grand kids to spend the night with her all at the same time.  She does this one so she can see them, but also so they can all spend some time with one another.  But is also gives Scott and I a date night (that is if one of them don't end up sick).  Sooooooo.......................................

tonight is date night!!!  What are we gonna do??  Originally we were gonna go to dinner and a movie.  Then we decided to skip the movie (we always skip the movie) and go eat and then over to Dave and Christas.  Then I came up with the brilliant idea of picking something up for us and Dave and Christa and heading over there so I can hold sweet Lily!  In case you haven't ever seen sweet precious beautiful Lily here's a pic:

soooo now what would you choose -- dinner and a movie or takeout and holding Lily!!!!!!

Scott and I will hopefully sleep in tomorrow morning --we sure need it.  Then after picking the kids up around noonish we will be heading out to see the SMURFS!!!!  I cannot wait -- I LOVE THE SMURFS

there really aren't any real plans after the smurfs, except for church on Sunday (but that is always a given)

LILY and the SMURFS all in one weekend -- I may not be able to contain myself!  :)

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